[Promotum] q33 ny looks like urban legend

Edmund A. Hintz ed@hintz.org
Mon, 24 Sep 2001 14:48:28 -0700

Making the rounds lately:

Go to MSWord
Open "New Document"
Select Font Times New Roman
Select Font Size 72
Type:  Q33 (space) NY  (Note Q33 is [supposedly] the official flight 
of one of the planes that crashed into the trade towers...)
Select: Q33 NY and change font to Wingdings

We can all agree the resulting symbols are somewhat errie. So, is the 
q33ny claim accurate? Nope, according to snopes...



Edmund A. Hintz              **|**     "You may say I'm a dreamer,
Mac Techie, Unix Geek,      *  |  *      But I'm not the only one...
Mac/Unix Consultant        *  /|\  *     I hope someday you'll join us,
<ed@hintz.org>              */ | \*      And the world will live as one.
'78 Westy                    *****      Imagine."