[Promotum] Bush admin reportedly stonewalled terrorist investigations

Edmund A. Hintz ed@hintz.org
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 09:24:39 -0800

	Seems that earlier this year they cut back on investigations of 
AlQueda in order to try and strike a deal with the Taliban to run an oil 
pipeline between Afganistan and Pakistan. That would help explain Bush's 
desire that the activities of presidents remain secret...



Edmund A. Hintz              **|**     "You may say I'm a dreamer,
Mac Techie, Unix Geek,      *  |  *      But I'm not the only one...
Mac/Unix Consultant        *  /|\  *     I hope someday you'll join us,
<ed@hintz.org>              */ | \*      And the world will live as one.
'78 Westy                    *****      Imagine."