[Promotum] Red pill-operation northwoods

Edmund A. Hintz ed@hintz.org
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 14:30:04 -0700


     This sort of deceit does make one wonder precisely what sort of 
misinformation and spin is coming out of DC these days... Not that I 
think they would take out the WTC-frankly I doubt they'd be creative 
enough to think of it. Anyway, they'd go for something smaller. But it 
does damage the level of trust one has for our government... Much like 
Watergate, Iran/Contra, Vietnam, blah blah blah.

     As for the book mentioned, Body of Secrets, I highly recommend it. I 
saw the author, James Bamford, when he spoke at the BlackHat briefings in 
Las Vegas this last July, and picked up a copy of the book for the 
autograph signing, figuring why not... The book itself is an anatomy of 
the National Security Agency from inception to y2k, and is quite 
fascinating reading, covering cryptography and signals intelligence from 
Bletchley Park and WWII through the cold war and some pretty amazing 
intelligence coups(like using subs to wiretap undersea soviet 
communications cables). It also has a lot of damning information about 
the sinking of the sigint vessel USS Liberty by Israeli forces during the 
6 day war, and this information comes from a plethora of sources from 
Israeli Defense Force officers to crew members of the Liberty and crew 
members of the NSA spyplane which was in the area unbeknownst to either 
the Liberty or the IDF. Gives some real insight into just one of the many 
reasons the Islamic extremists have a real hardon for us. One hint-it has 
nothing to do with our "freedom"... Theirs, maybe, but not ours...

More reading on the USS Liberty can be found here:

More about Body of Secrets here:


First chapter of the book online here:



Edmund A. Hintz              **|**     "You may say I'm a dreamer,
Mac Techie, Unix Geek,      *  |  *      But I'm not the only one...
Mac/Unix Consultant        *  /|\  *     I hope someday you'll join us,
<ed@hintz.org>              */ | \*      And the world will live as one.
'78 Westy                    *****      Imagine."